Success Stories
From real people like you

Wilson Kalimbo
I was suffering from obesity. I had high blood pressure, cholesterol and I was pre-diabetic. I was referred to Biokinetics to loose weight and work on my fitness. When I started my weight was 115kg
I followed an exercise program under the supervision of a Biokineticist for 3 months which my medical aid paid for, then I was motivated to continue on a private fee.
It was very hard at first and some days it is still hard, but I fell in love with exercising now and cannot imagine my days without it.It has changed my life. I'm currently @ 83kg. Still working on my goals every single day.

Elderly Lady
Ek is ‘n 77 jarige vrou en moes ‘n rug operasie in SA kry. Die pyn was ondraaglik. Die Dr’s het my aanbeveel om met Biokinetika te begin vir rehabilitasie.
My pyn het baie verminder, ek is meer mobiel en funksioneel. Ek het nie meer hulp nodig om uit ‘n stoel uit op te staan nie en kan al self my huis se trappies klim. Ek sal Biokinetika definitief vir ander mense aanbeveel.

I have a very stressful job and use to suffer from tension headaches and sleeplessness on a weekly basis. I kept going for massages to relieve the tension in my neck and upper back and was at some point so discouraged that I stopped enjoying anything in my life.
My physiotherapist referred me to a Biokineticist, which I was skeptical about at first. I couldn't believe that exercise would be the life changer. After the first few sessions, I was already sleeping much better, woke up feeling good, my pain was much more tolerable. The exercises were specifically designed for my problems.
Currently, I have been keeping up with my exercise program for 3 months and I feel great. I haven't been in need of any other intervensions since starting with Biokinetics, I am almost completely painfree and I have been managing my daily stresses much better. I cannot recommend Biokinetics enough to my family and friends.

Shoulder Operation
I had a shoulder operation a few years ago, but the surgeon at that time never referred me for physiotherapy or biokinetics. I was really struggling with any overhead movements, weakness and sometimes at night, my whole arm was in pain.
My doctor now, referred me to see a Biokineticist to see if my shoulder could be strengthened and my range could be improved. I have been exercising for 5 months and there has been so much progress.
Even though I am still unable to lift my arm up all the way overhead, I am much stronger, painfree and moving more. My core and legs have strengthened as well, so daily activities at work or at home are easier to do.